Sunday, July 10, 2011


What is our vision ?

Reply: SELAYANG CAPITOL, a popular shopping mall in the District of Selayang.

Activities / mission to achieve our vision:-

1. Crowd puller and competitive pricing supermarket should be taken in ASAP by LTS/Six Happiness.

2. MC and new supermarket operator should work-out advertising plan to boost up the activities of the complex within three months.

3. Dialogue session with owners of vacant parcels and prospective tenants should be held like "open House". It should be organised by property agent & publicised in local media.

4. Stern action be taken NOW to recover debts from defaulters so that we have sufficient fund to rectify all basic necessities. Accounts staff should be given responsibility to monitor collections closely.

5. Tighter security of the complex is very important and which should include car park area. Performance of guards should be closely monitored.

6. Weekly activities/performance should be activated to attract crowd to the complex.

7 Long Term Plan for the common area in the complex should be drawn up by qualified person to bring in more income.

8. The complex surrounding should be brightened up especially at night. The dead tree trunks and bushes should be cleared by MPS immediately.

9. Frame work for the signboard at the complex frontage should be planned to attract advertisement.

10. A proper and Bigger size signboard for " Selayang Capitol" should be put up at appropriate place.

11. To display directory of shop lots at the entrance of complex.

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